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2024 Brookings County 4-H

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Viewing records 201-250 of 514
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 2:25 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Poultry / Poultry / 07: Single Comb, Clean-Legged Bantam (other than Game Bantam) / 4: Individual Pullet, Female
242 Klein, Raymond 1396 Delaware Bantam Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 08: Rose Comb Clean-Legged Bantam / 3: Individual Cockerel, Male
3 Gjernes, Bailey 725 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
35 Underwood, Lucas 1416 Black Rose Comb Purple Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
35 Underwood, Lucas 1417 Black Rose Comb Purple Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
35 Underwood, Lucas 1418 Black Rose Comb Purple Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1432 Blue Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1434 Blue Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 08: Rose Comb Clean-Legged Bantam / 4: Individual Pullet, Female
3 Gjernes, Bailey 724 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
3 Gjernes, Bailey 726 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
35 Underwood, Lucas 1419 Black Rose Comb Blue Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
35 Underwood, Lucas 1421 Black Rose Comb Red Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1431 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 09: All other Combs, Clean-Legged Bantam / 1: Individual Cock, Male
242 Klein, Raymond 1397 Sumatra cock Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 09: All other Combs, Clean-Legged Bantam / 4: Individual Pullet, Female
242 Klein, Raymond 1398 Sumatra hen Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 10: Feather-Legged Bantam / 2: Individual Hen, Female
3 Gjernes, Bailey 735 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 10: Feather-Legged Bantam / 3: Individual Cockerel, Male
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1437 Blue Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
13 Yoshida, Elena 1690 Buff cochin Blue Brookings Northview Lads & Lassies 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 10: Feather-Legged Bantam / 4: Individual Pullet, Female
3 Gjernes, Bailey 731 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1414 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 12: Game Bantam / 2: Individual Hen, Female
33 Underwood, Aubrey 1971 Black Breasted Red Purple Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
Poultry / Poultry / 20: Breeding Turkey / 3: Individual Cockerel, Male
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1439 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 21: Other Poultry / 2: individual Female
54 Langum, Caleb 1047 Quail Blue Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
54 Langum, Caleb 1049 Quail Blue Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
54 Langum, Caleb 1050 Quail Purple Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
54 Langum, Caleb 1052 Quail Blue Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
278 Mundt, Jocelynn 1497 Blue India peahen - 1 year old Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
278 Mundt, Jocelynn 1499 Pied white, Blue India peahen [Black shouldered peahen] - one year old Blue Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 24: Pigeon - Performing / 1: Pigeon - Individual Male
54 Langum, Caleb 1044 Purple Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 24: Pigeon - Performing / 2: Pigeon - Individual Female
54 Langum, Caleb 1043 Purple Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 25: Commercial - White Egg Type: Three Pullets
304 Willert, Denley 2193 White Crested Black Polish Blue Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
Poultry / Poultry / 26: Commercial - Brown Egg Type: 3 Pullets
63 Langum, Isabel 1042 3 ISA Brown Chickens Purple Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
68 Langum, Lauren 1278 Purple Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
242 Klein, Raymond 1399 Brown Egg Layer pullets Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1442 Blue Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
304 Willert, Denley 2155 Blue Brookings Brookings County Trailblazers
Poultry / Poultry / 29: Commercial - Market / Meat Roaster: March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023; Two Pullets or Cockerels of the same age
3 Gjernes, Bailey 734 Blue Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1441 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
4 Gjernes, Kaylin 1441 Purple Reserve Champion Poultry Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
Poultry / Poultry / 30: Commercial - Market / Meat Turkey: single bird, either sex, hatched after 1 / 1 / 23
3 Gjernes, Bailey 733 Purple Brookings Little Leprechauns 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 02: Flemish Giant / 1: Senior Buck
71 Vander Wal, Cheyenne 1145 Blue Brookings Bruce Honey Bees 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 02: Flemish Giant / 4: Senior Doe
71 Vander Wal, Cheyenne 1144 Purple Brookings Bruce Honey Bees 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 06: Havana / 1: Senior Buck
239 Jorgensen , Mason 637 Purple Brookings Bruce Honey Bees 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 07: Himalayan / 1: Senior Buck
130 Pickard, Kassandra 1601 Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
130 Pickard, Kassandra 1602 Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
128 Pickard, David 2012 Purple Brookings White Go Getters 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 08: Holland Lop
163 Folkerts, Tate 337 Blue Brookings Northview Lads & Lassies 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 08: Holland Lop / 3: Senior Doe
63 Langum, Isabel 1036 Purple Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
68 Langum, Lauren 1038 Purple Brookings West Sioux II 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 09: Lionhead / 1: Senior Buck
14 Yoshida, Louis 760 Blue Brookings Northview Lads & Lassies 4-H Club
Rabbit / Rabbit / 10: Mini Lop / 1: Senior Buck
108 Scofield, Wylie 1345 Blue Brookings Northview Lads & Lassies 4-H Club