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2024 Elroy Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1551-1600 of 1899
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 2:22 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
118 Open Cultural Arts / Other crafts and cultural arts / 53: Any other craft not listed
168 Colwell, Becky 2102 Red
118 Open Cultural Arts / Pencil or ink / 03: Animal, bird, fish or reptile
152 Davison, Cora 1978 Blue Vernon
118 Open Cultural Arts / Pencil or ink / 05: Abstract
131 Pufahl, Kim 1748 Blue Juneau
118 Open Cultural Arts / Pencil or ink / 08: Any other subject not listed
153 Davison, Henry 1986 Blue Vernon
118 Open Cultural Arts / Scrapbooking / 55: Scrapbook page using traditional techniques
47 Brey, Allison 519 Red Vernon
48 Brey, Melissa 524 Blue Vernon
118 Open Cultural Arts / Scrapbooking / 56: Scrapbook, complete, using traditional techniques
69 Pufahl, Sharon 2751 Blue Open Class-Adult
118 Open Cultural Arts / Water colors / 05: Abstract
131 Pufahl, Kim 1744 Blue Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 01: Nature scenes not landscape, 2 photos
47 Brey, Allison 501 Red Vernon
69 Pufahl, Sharon 730 White
103 Powell, Emily 1302 Blue Monroe
168 Colwell, Becky 2106 Pink
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 02: Action or sports, 2 photos
103 Powell, Emily 1303 Red Monroe
131 Pufahl, Kim 1752 Blue Juneau
168 Colwell, Becky 2107 White
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 03: Still life, 2 photos
103 Powell, Emily 1304 Blue Monroe
131 Pufahl, Kim 1753 Red Juneau
168 Colwell, Becky 2108 White
187 Colwell, Allison 2499 Pink Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 04: Agricultural scenes, 2 photos
44 Fischer, Sarah 478 Blue Vernon
103 Powell, Emily 1305 Pink Monroe
131 Pufahl, Kim 1754 White Juneau
168 Colwell, Becky 2109 Red
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 05: People (1 or more), 2 photos
48 Brey, Melissa 525 White Vernon
131 Pufahl, Kim 1755 Blue Juneau
135 Siegler, Sheila 1954 Red
168 Colwell, Becky 2110 Red
187 Colwell, Allison 2485 Blue Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 06: Domestic animals or pets, 2 photos
44 Fischer, Sarah 480 Pink Vernon
131 Pufahl, Kim 1756 White Juneau
135 Siegler, Sheila 1955 Blue
168 Colwell, Becky 2111 Red
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 07: Wildlife or zoo animals, 2 photos
47 Brey, Allison 503 Pink Vernon
103 Powell, Emily 1308 White Monroe
77 Powell, Suzanne 1575 Red
131 Pufahl, Kim 1757 Blue Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 08: Sky or water scenes, 2 photos
47 Brey, Allison 504 Pink Vernon
48 Brey, Melissa 527 White Vernon
103 Powell, Emily 1309 Blue Monroe
20 Schildgen, Cierra 2624 Red Vernon
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 09: Landscape, 2 photos
103 Powell, Emily 1310 Red Monroe
131 Pufahl, Kim 1759 Blue Grand Champion Open Photography Juneau
168 Colwell, Becky 2114 Pink
187 Colwell, Allison 2488 White Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 10: Buildings or other structures, 2 photos
47 Brey, Allison 506 Blue Vernon
103 Powell, Emily 1311 Pink Monroe
135 Siegler, Sheila 1956 Red
20 Schildgen, Cierra 2626 White Vernon
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 11: City or village scenes, 2 photos
48 Brey, Melissa 529 Red Vernon
131 Pufahl, Kim 1761 Blue Juneau