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2024 Elroy Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1601-1650 of 1899
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 2:22 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 12: Flowers or plants, 2 photos
48 Brey, Melissa 530 White Vernon
69 Pufahl, Sharon 733 Red
131 Pufahl, Kim 1762 Blue Juneau
187 Colwell, Allison 2504 Pink Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 13: Elroy Fair, 2 photos
103 Powell, Emily 1314 Red Monroe
135 Siegler, Sheila 1957 White
168 Colwell, Becky 2118 Blue
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 14: Silhouette, 2 photos
47 Brey, Allison 508 Red Vernon
131 Pufahl, Kim 1763 Blue Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 16: Black and white, 2 photos
44 Fischer, Sarah 485 Blue Vernon
135 Siegler, Sheila 1958 White
168 Colwell, Becky 2119 Red
187 Colwell, Allison 2490 Pink Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 17: Close up, 2 photos
44 Fischer, Sarah 486 Pink Vernon
131 Pufahl, Kim 1765 Red Juneau
187 Colwell, Allison 2491 Blue Juneau
20 Schildgen, Cierra 2629 White Vernon
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 18: Night scene, 2 photos
48 Brey, Melissa 531 Red Vernon
159 Endres, Jennifer 1992 Blue
187 Colwell, Allison 2492 White Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 19: Any other subject not listed, 2 photos
47 Brey, Allison 509 Red Vernon
48 Brey, Melissa 532 Blue Vernon
187 Colwell, Allison 2508 White Juneau
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 20: Nature scene not landscape, 1 oversize
47 Brey, Allison 510 White Vernon
103 Powell, Emily 1319 Red Monroe
135 Siegler, Sheila 1959 Blue
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 21: Action or sports, 1 oversize
103 Powell, Emily 1320 Red Monroe
177 Carpenter, Elizabeth 2278 Blue Monroe
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 22: Still life, 1 oversize
69 Pufahl, Sharon 734 White
103 Powell, Emily 1321 Pink Monroe
135 Siegler, Sheila 1960 Blue
177 Carpenter, Elizabeth 2279 Red Monroe
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 23: Agriculture scene, 1 oversize
44 Fischer, Sarah 487 Blue Vernon
103 Powell, Emily 1322 Red Monroe
177 Carpenter, Elizabeth 2280 White Monroe
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 24: People (1 or more), 1 oversize
103 Powell, Emily 1323 Red Monroe
135 Siegler, Sheila 1961 White
168 Colwell, Becky 2120 Pink
177 Carpenter, Elizabeth 2281 Blue Monroe
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 25: Domestic animal(s) or pets, 1 oversize
103 Powell, Emily 1324 White Monroe
135 Siegler, Sheila 1962 Red
168 Colwell, Becky 2121 Pink
177 Carpenter, Elizabeth 2282 Blue Monroe
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 26: Wildlife or zoo animals, 1 oversize
47 Brey, Allison 512 Blue Vernon
69 Pufahl, Sharon 736 Pink
103 Powell, Emily 1325 White Monroe
20 Schildgen, Cierra 2633 Red Vernon
120 Open Photography / Still Photography / 27: Sky or water scene, 1 oversize
44 Fischer, Sarah 489 Red Vernon
47 Brey, Allison 513 Pink Vernon
48 Brey, Melissa 535 Blue Vernon